Command Chronology's '65-'71
Welcome to 2d Battalion, 1st Marines
We are Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, and Hotel. We are H&S and Scouts, Recon and CAPs. We are Chaplains and Rabbis. We are generals and privates. We are combat-tested Corpsmen... dispensers of solace and comfort and healing balms. We are brothers in combat!
We call ourselves "The Professionals". This was not because war was our chosen career or that we liked the killing and destruction. It was just one period in all of our lives when we answered the call to duty. And we performed that duty with a style and grace synonymous with true professionalism.
Time has marched onward. And in its inexorable advance, it has taken some toll on all of us. But the memories of honor, courage, and brotherhood have not diminished. They sustain us still and will for all the days of our lives.
In this, our mission has become one of keeping comrades in touch with friends who
served with 2/1 during those momentous years. Our efforts are dedicated to bringing all of 2/1 together.
We are proud to have served with 2/1. Enter and stay for awhile. Be proud with us.

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Thanks to You
by Bobby Spivey