Vietnam Veterans of 2nd Bn 1st Marines does not endorse, agree, or disagree with the content of the books. This service is provided FREE to all members without comment. If you have written a book you wish to share with our members, family and friends of 2/1 please contact Vin Burdziuk at: [email protected]

History would come to know Vietnam’s Operation Harvest Moon as “the last big battle of 1965.” But for Dan Francis and many of his fellow Marines in the Second Battalion, First Marine Regiment, it was just the beginning of a long and difficult string of bloody battles with heavy losses. The events of Operation Harvest Moon, related from several points of view by the men who served there, set the stage for a series of named and unnamed operations in which the men of 2/1 would serve and die. Dan Francis offers a unique and thoughtful insight into the lives and experiences of the Marines whose sense of duty led them into a war doomed to failure. Sometimes touching, sometimes gritty, always brutally honest, The Last Ride Home is Francis’s account of two tours of duty in Vietnam—a remarkable chapter from his twenty-year career in the United States Marine Corps.
"LAST RIDE HOME: A Memoir of the Vietnam War " FREE Kindle Edition
"Booby Trap Boys" by Dave Beakey - BORN: 4-27-1949 DIED: 5-06-2011
"A unique journal about 13 months in the life of a machine gunner (0311/0331) from Echo 2/1 (1968-69). A series of 35 vignettes, 3 poems and 3 pictures; a picture of the original Booby Trap Boys, (January 1969), a picture of an Echo 2/1 Marine, (January, 1969) and a picture of Dave on the back cover, at Khe Sanh, (April, 1968)"
Price: Soft Cover = $15.99
Daves Book can be purchased at at link below:
"Just a Walk in the Park" by Tom Nolan
Hotel Company, 2/1 Weapons Plt, 0351 Squad Leader RVN 1967-68
This book is a rocket ride from my childhood to the end of my dreams. The road has many pot holes filled with gut wrenching laughter and spiced with the bitter sweet memories of lost friendships. The road is not paved with gold but the black tears of unfinished lives. There are forks in the road that lead to complete terror and others to utter joy. It is at times impossible to separate the two; it is at times insanity. This is not a tale of a life well planned but one of being bucked off and climbing back on. It
Dust Jacket Hardcover (6x9)............ $ 27.95
sometimes runs amok, but these friendships are made to be bent, never broken. Some of these friendships were forged in the fires of the hell called Vietnam. The best and worst things on life’s road are those not expected. They can bring absolute joy and crushing sadness. So strap yourself to a chair and take a roller coaster ride with Pineapple, Woody, Mikey, Nick, and the wacky Nolans and all the others who climb aboard.
Corpsman Up!: A Marine Medic Struggles with War, God, and Patriotism" (Paperback) by David Johnson
2/1 Hotel Company, Corpsman - Vietnam 1967-68
I entered the military as most enlistees with only the beliefs I was raised with. I thought I knew what I was getting into only to discover that very little of combat was like anything I imagined it to be. I soon found myself wondering about the processes that got me to a war I personally opposed and have had to wonder since what that says about me.
I remember the day the foundation of my beliefs was shook to the ground. A
dying Marine wanted to know how god, the god that was suppose to protect him from harm, could have let what happened to him happen. I did not know, a realization that turned my whole world upside down. Why were we here --- dying in some mosquito infested swamp? For what? And who were the beneficiaries? David Johnson: [email protected]
Purchase Paperback From Amazon: $25.95

"All Were Valiant" by Joe Eleazar Salinas
This book was written for the sole purpose of honoring the Vietnam Veteran
I served with 2/1 when they releaved the 3/27th Marine Regiment at Cau Ha in September of 1968. I was transfered from 3/27 Lima Company, 2nd Platoon, Machine Gunner in September to my first MOS as an 81mm mortar man in Cau Ha Marine Combat Base South of Marble Mountain. Got wounded on Octorber 13th, 1968 South of the village called Nui Kim just South of Marble mountain. I was attached to 2/1 81s.
My 402 page novel 'All Were Valiant' is about Lima Co 3rd Battalion 27th Marine Regiment trying to stay alive during the Vietnam War. The places and Valleys mentioned in this book are real. Some of the names used have been changed for the respect of the veterans and their families. Also, some of the veterans mentioned in this novel are real persons and without their help, this book would not have been possible to write.
"The Rivers and the Rails" by Lee Suydam (1st Lt, 2/1 Echo Co., RVN 67-68)
Bedford Forrest was colorful and daring to be sure but even more interesting is that he was devious at times with his enemies. To Forrest, a trick was often better than a regiment of soldiers for if he could accomplish his purpose without spending the lives of his countrymen, so much the better. He was not military trained and therefore not aware that his tactics were unusual. Never mind that they were generally successful in remarkable ways. Born in poverty and raised in rural circumstances, he became a wealthy southern gentleman. In the Civil War, he gave his fortune in pursuit of victory and he raised three regiments of cavalry trying to save the Confederacy and his way of life.
What happened between Vicksburg and Appomattox
Letters from Tommy J.: A Marine's Story - 1966-1967
Terri C. Walker (Author), Connie C. Hughes (Author), Gina Webb (Editor)
This is a fascinating personalized view of life as a Marine During the Vietnam War.
Warriors never die as long as people remember the wars. Therefore, Letters from Tommy J. represents a bittersweet remembrance of one among 58,000 Americans who died in Southeast Asia: an 18-year-old kid from Atlanta named Thomas J. Holzclaw III. Tommy s letters home from his time in country are set in context by chapters describing events that
Hardcover $1.93 - 128 Pages - Full Description & Ordering : Click on Link Below...
influenced his decision to serve, and how that service was conducted. This loving retrospective by the two nieces he never knew affords a look into one young life cut short by the ill-fated Vietnam conflict , and in the telling, the one represents the many.
"Souls From the Past: Whispers of Silence" by Joe Eleazar Salinas
In one hellish nightmare, Sergeant Dreger along with his partner Sergeant Holzsauer are trusted back to their past. For one last time, both Marines have a desire to lead marines into combat. This time both marines and their men are returned to one hell of a nightmare gone wrong. In a fit for survival the marines of Lima Co. 3/27th Marine Regiment, try to keep from going insane.
Corporal Don Andrews and Sergeant Jenkins combine their squads in order to save their comrades from the worst nightmare no man can handle.

Finally, a book for parents of the deployed…
We Also Serve: A Family Goes To War chronicles the impact of the two most controversial wars of our time on a mother, her marriage, and her family. In 2004, Nanette Sagastume’s son is sent to Fallujah, Iraq with the same battalion, company and platoon that his father served with in Vietnam. To a degree not possible in previous global conflicts, advanced technology virtually plunges Nanette and her family into real time war, where the double-edged sword of instant information can bring both agony and relief. When a suicide bomber attacks the platoon, the family suffers through the experience with painful memories, faith and, courage.
“As a warrior, I found We Also Serve: A Family Goes to War to be a gripping, unforgettable story of a military family’s emotional survival through two wars.” — Colonel Billy R. (Bill) Duncan, USMC, Ret.
Commanding Officer of 2nd Battalion, 1st Marines in Vietnam in 1968
E-Book: $9.99 - Soft Cover: $17.95 - Hardcover: $26.74
This 2-book nonfiction series took Kellum 21 years to research, interview and write and tells the author's and individual Marines and Navy Corpsmen's combat stories and photos in over 1,000 pages between the books. Kellum includes the names of 1,019 Marines and 42 Navy Corpsmen as well as a few men from other military services during the Marines' time in-country between 1965-71. The reader is exposed to always tough Marine Boot Camp in San Diego to advanced training at
Pendleton and on into the Enlisted Commissioning Program that took the
See the website for the scope of these 2 books which can be presently ordered from a form on the website.
author through officers' OCS and TBS at Quantico in 1968-69, C-69 TBS class. Kellum was in Vietnam in 1970 with H&S Co., 2/26 then Echo, 2/1 as an 0302. Marines and Docs from other various USMC units are also included in the books, such as: 1st Recon Bn., 1/1, 3/4, 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 1/7, 1st Tank Bn., 3rd Amtracs, 1st Engineers, HMM-163, HMM-262, HMM-263, HMM-364, HML-167, HML-367, VMO-2, 1/9, 2/26, VNMC, Vietnamese Airborne, Vietnamese Rangers, etc.
S&H for each book is $3.95
Sales Tax of 8.25% added for Texas residents.
Book I softcover, 539 pages, $26.95
Book II softcover, 498 pages, $25.95
Book I hardcover w/dustjacket, 539 pages, $39.95
Book II hardcover w/dustjacket, 498 pages, $38.95
Grace Walsh sister of our KIA LCpl David James Pugh, Golf Co, Charlie Squad March 15, 1969 wrote the book "Divine Arrows". Grace has been writing the past
( 7 ) years about her journey through life in search of healing - ever inspired and affirmed by her brother's spirit!
Divine Arrows by Grace Walsh
Each and every day life delivers little messages to us that affirm our spirit is on track. They are what I like to call "divine arrows". They are those unexplainable moments in time when guidance appears in a form other than a physical word
be it a deja vu phone call or a chance meeting. It may be a subtle message passing you by from a highway billboard or a bumper sticker on the car in front of you that brings a smile of recognition to your face, as if to say, that thought or current situation you were just pondering has been given a thumbs up. It is an undeniable message of spiritual affirmation showing us the way and shining a light back on our face.
Soft Cover $14.95 plus postage - at Amazon.Com :
Divine Arrows FREE Kindle Edition
Musings Of A Maine Man Abroad: Prose, Poems, And Plays With A Spattering Of Personal Philosophy... By Robert James Shand
2/1 Corpsman with Hotel Company 1969 - Written by a Maine man living in Mexico, this collection of short stories, essays, plays, and poems elicits a kaleidoscope of emotions. These tales are funny, horrible, and uplifting by turns. Author Robert James Shand provides a full disclosure of his personal life, from his experiences as a child growing up in Brewer, Maine, to his thoughts and feelings while living in Mexico. Through his stories, he describes gaining a deeper appreciation for the changing of the seasons in Maine,
reflects on celebrating Veterans Day in Mexico, and laughs about the time no one believed that he saw a naked woman running down the street On a more serious note, Shand recalls his experiences serving in Vietnam as well as the traumatic stress he coped with upon returning home. Throughout Musings of a Maine Man Abroad, he maintains and supports his core beliefs about the world, God, and his personal relationship with Jesus.
Available in HARDCOVER $22.95, PAPERBACK $12.95, and KINDLE EDITION $3.99
Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, Lewis B. Puller, Jr.'s memoir is a moving story of a man born into a proud military legacy who struggles to rebuild his world after the Vietnam War has shattered his body and his ideals. Raised in the shadow of his father, Marine General Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller, a hero of five wars, young Lewis went to Southeast Asia at the height of the Vietnam War and served with distinction as an officer in his father's beloved Corps. But when he tripped a booby-trapped howitzer round, triggering an explosion that would cost him his legs, his career as a soldier ended, and the battle to reclaim his life began.
Fortunate Son... By Lewis B. Puller Jr.
Nanette Sagastume is the wife of a Vietnam War U.S. Marine and the mother of an Iraqi Freedom Marine. In 2001, she founded a local support group for military families. Since retiring as a nurse practitioner, Nanette has maintained a practice as a Healing Touch Certified Practitioner. She lives in Chico, CA with her husband, Mario. They have four grown children and an expanding number of grandchildren.
No Place To Hide... By Gary Christensen
Follow ten young Marines of Echo Company, 2nd Battalion, 1st Marines in 1967-68, as they fought against the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese Army near the Demilitarized Zone at Quang Tri, Con Thien, Khe Sanh and elsewhere in the jungles and rice paddies of Vietnam.
The stories of these Marines include depictions of bravery and cowardice along with a sense of the misery of often being exhausted, wet, hungry and thirsty. These men also discuss their transitions to civilian life and their efforts to come to terms with their experiences.
Available at Create Space an Amazon Company: SOFTCOVER $8.87
WE'LL ALL DIE AS MARINES - By Colonel Jim Bathurst, USMC (Retired)
For seventeen-year-old high school dropout Jim Bathurst, the Marine Corps’s reputation for making men out of boys was something he desperately needed when he enlisted in March of 1958. What began as a four-year hitch lasted nearly thirty-six years and included an interesting assortment of duty stations and assignments as both enlisted and officer.
We’ll All Die As Marines narrates a story about a young, free-spirited kid from Dundalk, Maryland, and how the Corps captured his body, mind, and spirit. Slowly, but persistently, the Corps transformed him into someone whose first
love would forever be the United States Marine Corps. It documents not only his leadership, service, and training but also regales many tales of his fellow Marines that will have the reader laughing, cheering, and at times crying.
In this memoir, Bathurst reveals that for him—a former DI who was awarded the Silver Star, Bronze Star Medal with Combat “V”, Purple Heart, and a combat commission to second lieutenant—the Corps was not a job, a career, or even a profession; it was—and still is—a way of life.
I DO SOLEMNLY SWEAR By T. L. Kennedy & P. Peck Kennedy
Terry Kennedy served with 2/1 Fox 2 Bravo from August to December 1968
and use to survive in combat. It tells of the causation and experiences that set the stage for his life long struggle with post traumatic stress disorder.
This book is about a young man's family life before entering the Marine Corps. To serve in Viet Nam. It entails the formation of his belief system from his family in Chicago, and now his encounter
with the culture shock of service in the Marine Corps and Viet Nam changed them.It tells the event-by-event experiences of his encounters and of how the people that influenced him, affected him and the changes he was forced to make in order to learn and survive the rigorous training and tracking he would later need
Click link below to order book from
OVER AND OUT By James F. Jordan - 2/1 Golf Company 1968-1969
Every Penny of the profits go to The Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation.
Vietnam was called (The Jewel of the Orient )that's all I knew about that small little country in Southeast Asia. This is the story about a guy who grew up in the streets of Philadelphia who enlisted into the Marine corps and ended up in the rice patties outside Danang. I will try to explain what I saw and how I felt from the day I landed until the day I departed Thirteen months later. I will do my best to make plain and clear what it felt like to be placed into an infantry unit where I had to adapt to my new surroundings. I'll tell you my feelings, being accepted into a squad of experienced grunts. Guys that I would spend every day and night with,
Guys who cared for each other and watched each others back, we were brothers and we knew it. All we had was each other and every time we went out on patrol, we knew that it was up to us to survive together. I participated in over 250 patrols and ambushes and 5 Operations and I can honestly tell you that I served my tour of duty with the greatest group of guys anyone could ever serve with. We were members of the 2'nd Battalion 1'st Marine Division (The Professionals) the North Vietnamese Army referred to us as The Ghost Battalion. JJ Jordan - [email protected]
FREE Download on Amazon for Kindle
Tigers and Songbirds By J. Cruickshank Muir
J. Cruickshank Muir s Tigers and Songbirds is poetry, not a textbook or a sermon. A response to combat in time of war, and to a lifetime of reclaiming the lost self, it is a work of surpassing honesty, clarity, sense, soul and beauty. Wrought in battle but far exceeding the scope of war, it lays bare the soldier s brutal initiation and transformation in the crucible of combat, as well as the nightmare aftermath the sudden and unceremonious drop back into the world into a society that still has no rituals for reintegrating its weary, wounded warriors.
For the veterans of Korea, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf and now, Iraq, here is a spare, authentic, powerful voice to speak what has been the unspeakable. Both strange and familiar, discomfiting and reassuring, Tigers and Songbirds is brutal truth, sometimes framed in dark humor. Muir's work succeeds in ways the psychological and sociological tracts do not. It speaks from and to the heart and the mind of the combat veteran, the loved ones lost and gained, the hurting, and the healers.
Released as an E-Book on all of the standard platforms. The price is $13.50. It is available on Amazon's Kindle for FREE, Sony, Nook, and Apple books.
For the most part you only become a Marine by volunteering. So that makes every Marine, part of an exclusive club, "The Few," "The Proud," "The Marines." George P. Unger enlisted in the "Corps," to serve his country while at war, believing wholeheartedly in itHe chronicles his youth, his growing up in the Corps, and his journey to a war that he would ultimately, barely survive. This book should make painfully aware, of what war is, it bespeaks of terrible tasks, and the horrors of war. After RVN, "Never Again" was espoused, yet today we are embroiled in "Once Again," and Marines, as is usual, lead the way. Every Marine
in combat is a hero, it is just that some are more heroic. This book can be multiplied hundreds or perhaps thousands of times, tasking ordinary American youth, into soldiers, and the memories that never disappear, and the final acceptance, of a brutal war that America lost. Lost, not due to its fighting men, but rather by those who sent them in harm's way.
Paperback $12.14. It is available on Amazon at:
Now available in audio book format. Dan Bell's 36 year radio voice makes this novel come to life. You'll experience the ecstasy, the heart break, the suffering and the exhalation, as you listen to this well-crafted story gleaned from the pages of American history as told by Lee Suydam. Bedford Forrest was a tricky little devil and his exploits will amaze. Get it today on Amazon, iTunes or Look for The Rivers and The Rails.
Paperback $5.95 Kindle $3.99
For the Cause : The Cold War Turns Hot in Korea and Why Young Men Went to War By Alfred Wellnitz
Two young South Dakota farm boys, Pete Houser and Chris Engleson, with uncertain futures decide to join the Marines as an alternative to some other mundane job. It is 1950 and they complete boot camp just as the Korean War suddenly erupts. Chris finds himself assigned to the First Provisional Marine Brigade being hurriedly put together to be deployed to Korea. Pete is assigned to a marine unit providing base security for the Sangley Point Naval Air Station in the Philippines. The story follows the lives of the two young men during the last six months of 1950 while Chris in Korea is involved in the Pusan Perimeter,
Inchon and the Chosin Reservoir battles and Pete spends his time as a security guard in the Philippines. Over a short period of time Chris goes from a green farm boy to a seasoned warrior and Pete’s world expands quickly as he encounters unfamiliar moral standards and first love. The story alternates between Chris in Korea and Pete in the Philippines until the story comes to a surprising conclusion.
Paperback $10.35. Kindle E-Book Download $2.99 It is available on Amazon at:
Whispers of Death: The Nightmare that Lasted a Lifetime
By John W. Nash - Fox Company 2/1 1968
John received three field promotions and achieved the rank of sergeant when he separated from the Marine Corps. He was awarded the Bronze Star for courage under fire. In 1999 John survived two major strokes, one paralyzing his left side, and the other paralyzing his right side and affecting his speech and swallowing. After extensive physical therapy, he now functions in an electric wheelchair with only the full use of his left arm and hand. He learned to use a computer after the strokes, and punched out this book one letter at a time.
This is his story. The events that he kept to himself for so many years are shared with you now. Its funny and its tragic and its his. This is a story of friendships, brotherhood and endurance. During the late sixties, some people burned flags, some marched in protest, and some slept in foxholes in the jungle. For them it wasn’t as much about politics as it was about staying alive and keeping the man next to you alive, too. They watched out for each other and kept each other out of trouble, whether in direct combat with the enemy or with a military that kept them in harm’s way. They developed a unique style to cope with the world they were in. This is a Marine grunt’s point of view and will put the reader knee deep in the jungle, surviving and trying to stay sane.
Hardcover $22.609- Paperback $19.99 3
Memoirs of a Hero
Letters, stories and essays as told by Hospital Corpsman
Ronald "Doc" Mosbaugh (2/1 Hotel Co) by Hoffman & Arrowsmith
Ron Mosbaugh was in his early twenties in 1966 when he was sent to Vietnam to serve on the front lines as a U. S. Navy Hospital Corpsman assigned with the U.S. Marines. This book features letters written home to his parents, juxtaposed against words from a recording he made decades later, describing the horrors he experienced in battle. The stark differences between his loving words to his parents and what he's truly experiencing proves his hero status.
Awarded a Silver Star, a Bronze Star with combat "V", and two Purple Hearts, today Ron shares his painful stories with fellow PTSD sufferers.
8x10 paperback (166 Pages) SOFTCOVER $20.00 + $3.00 Shipping
The Grass Swale: Living with Guilt, Depression, and PTSD
by Mickey Thomas - Hotel Company 1970-1971
The Grass Swale is a section of foot path in Vietnam that changes the lives of six Marines, including the author, who lives with the mental anguish and nightmares caused by post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Mickey shares his life story with a sense of humor only those who know him can appreciate.
Dave Gerhardt : Communication Talks, B/S Walks
I served with Fox company, 2/1 in 1970-71 as an awards writer and later as a combat squad leader. My book, "Communication Talks, B/S Walks" is not about Vietnam or the Marines. Its a Self-Improvement Guide to Business Communication and Networking Interaction. However, it does refer to the war.
SEE AT: AMAZON.COM SOFTCOVER $ 9.95 Kindle Unlimited $ 0.00
Ronald "Doc" Mosbaugh : MARINE DOWN, CORPSMAN UP!
HMCM Ronald "Doc" Mosbaugh, Retired served with Hotel Company, 2nd Bn 1st Marines in Vietnam 1966-967. The author, a highly decorated sailor, relates the history of his thirteen-month tour of duty in wartime Vietnam in 1966-1967. He, embedded within the Marine Corps, tells about treating the wounded while exposed to live-fire conditions on everything from squad-size patrols to company-size missions.
Available in Paperback, and Kindle
James Wright : Enduring Vietnam
Enduring Vietnam recounts the experiences of the young Americans who fought in Vietnam and of families who grieved those who did not return. By 1969 nearly half of the junior enlisted men who died in Vietnam were draftees. And their median age was 21―among the non-draftees it was only 20. The book describes the “baby boomers” growing up in the 1950s, why they went into the military, what they thought of the war, and what it was like to serve in “Nam.” And to come home. With a rich narrative of the Battle for “Hamburger Hill,” and through substantial interviews with those who served, the book depicts the cruelty of this war, and its quiet acts of courage.
SEE AT: AMAZON.COM Hardcover $ 17.43 Kindle E-BOOK $ 14.99
Marine Down, Corpsman Up!: PTSD: Then is Now
by Ronald "Doc" Mosbaugh (Author), Charlie Neerman (Illustrator), Larry Wood (Foreword)
A compilation of military short stories from the author's experiences as a Navy Corpsman before, during and after the Vietnam war. The difficulties surrounding PTSD are featured.
David Gerhardt
VIETNAM * * * The Last * * * Combat Marines * * *
The Military and Political Times of the Baby Boomer War
In this compelling and meticulously researched book on the Vietnam War era, David Gerhardt blends his riveting firsthand experience with documented facts. The result is a historical war memoir offering a comprehensive perspective on one of America's most notoriously divisive eras and brutal armed conflicts. Whether they fought in it, demonstrated against it, or subsisted through the tumultuous times, Vietnam belonged to the baby boomer generation. Beginning with boot camp and ending with the postwar brutalities of communist regimes in Southeast Asia, including the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia-led by the evil Pol Pot.
This unique account of the Vietnam War years is replete with sardonic tales of "boom-boom" girls, snakes, drugs, and some twisted soldier humor. As part of the last marine combat platoon, Gerhardt is the perfect one to tell it.
Available in Hardcover, Paperback, and Kindle
One man's memoir of a tour of duty in Vietnam as a rifleman in the United States Marine Corps. Seven letters, seven stories, photographs and drawings depict the soldier who volunteered to serve but discovered his pacifism in the chaos of war.
Available in Kindle for $10.00
I am a USMC Vietnam veteran who has published two books about my experience as a grunt in 1968/69. Starting at Khe Sanh and ending 13 months later South of Danang with Fox Co., 2/1, I survived my tour of duty.
Tour of Duty in Photographs. An impressive photo book by a United States Marine Corps rifleman.
Available on for $25.00
Ronald "Doc" Mosbaugh : FLASHBACK
HMCM Ronald "Doc" Mosbaugh, Retired served with Hotel Company, 2nd Bn 1st Marines in Vietnam 1966-967.Owing to an uncanny memory, an acute sense of observation and a healthy sense of humor his stories come alive with human interests that span the gamut. This story offers wide appeal for general audiences today more than ever as we witness our nation's growing interest and coverage of PTSD! Ron "Doc" Mosbaugh, a highly decorated Navy Corpsman (Silver Star, Bronze Star with Combat V and two Purple Hearts) who served with a US Marine combat unit in the early days of the War, 1966-67. As a Corpsman, Ron never fired at the enemy and in fact he found himself on occasion treating the enemy as well as Vietnamese civilian men, women and children.
Available in Hardcover, Paperback, Ebook, Kindle, Android, PC, Apple, and iPad Format
Available in Kindle $4.99 and Paperback $14.99
Letters Home - 2nd Platoon, Echo
2nd Battalion 1st Marines - Deployment to Vietnam 1965
By Tom Isenburg (Echo Company 1965)
My book is offered to you as a FREE Download.
The deployment history of a United States Marine Platoon from its formation at Camp Pendleton, California in January 1965 to October 1966 when the surviving members returned to the United States. The history is told through photographs and from letters sent home to family and friends all linked to the operations and actions being conducted during the time the Platoon was together.
U.S. Department of Defense (Author), Nicholas Schlosser
In Persistent Battle: U.S. Marines in Operation Harvest Moon: 8 December to 20 December 1965... Operation Harvest Moon has largely been overlooked in histories of the Vietnam War. Harvest Moon was the Marines’ last large-scale, conventional operation of 1965 in Vietnam. Fought in the valleys and hills between the city of Tam Ky and the inland outpost of Hiep Duc, it was the largest combined operation between Marine units and the South Vietnamese military to that date.