John joined the Navy and went to boot camp at Great Lakes in February 1967. Than went to the Hospital Corps School (Great Lakes) and Field Medical school at Camp LeJuene, North Carolina in August 1967.
He spent 1 1/2 years stationed at Camp Pendleton with India Company 3/28, than served in Vietnam from November 1969 to September 1970. And, was in the field with Hotel Company 2/1 from December 1969 to July 1970 and became Senior HM on 19 January 1970.
After his tour in Vietnam he went back to school while on active duty and finished his education. 
In 13 years John went from HMC (E-7) to Ensign (O-1) in the Medical Service Corps. Retired LCDR in 1994. At that time he was head safety and health person for
Submarine Force Pacific, Pearl Harbor. Retired locally as Enviormental Supervisor from Linn County Public Health. 
ABOVE: LCDR John H. Erceg with his brother Tom who is also a Vietnam Veteran at the Moving Wall in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. John was a active member and past president of the local Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 568 in Cedar Rapids.
LCDR John H. Erceg with the head General of the Pacific in 1994 at the Navy / Marine Corps Ball in Pearl Harbor.